TEDx Thiruvananthapuram | 20th January 2019


  • Please reach the venue at least 10 minutes before the event.
  • Once the event starts entry will not be permitted.
  • All attendees should carry a valid identity card to attain a conference attendee badge at the venue.
  • Cancellation and rescheduling of registration is not allowed.
  • No children under the age of 15 will be allowed to the venue unaccompanied.
  • This registration is non refundable.
  • This registration is non transferable and is valid for one person only.
  • Attendees reaching late at the venue will NOT be allowed inside while the talk is in progress.
  • By registering and making a payment you agree that all details provided are accurate.
  • The attendees must wear their conference badge throughout the conference.
  • All registrations are subject to verification, any discrepancy may result in cancellation of registration.
  • The organisers reserve the rights of frisk and restrict entry.
  • The consumption of any prohibited substance is strictly prohibited.
  • Any individual might be asked to leave the venue without any liability of a refund if there is any behavioural misdemeanour and the decision will be final and binding.
  • No Flash Photography, video recording or texting during the talks, under any circumstances (you may take pictures during intermission).
  • Turn off or silence your phone or any electronic devices.
  • Avoid leaving the event hall during the talks.
  • Carrying of food items, alcohol, cigarettes, weapons, inflammable and banned substances are strictly prohibited.
  • Please cooperate with the security personnel.
  • The organisers do not take any responsibility for injuries, loss or theft of any personal belongings of the attendee.
  • There will be adequate breaks for networking and refreshments.
  • All standard venue and attendee rules are to be adhered to by the attendees.


Official Hashtag: #tedxtvm

We urge you to use public transport or car pool to save fuel and get to know fellow attendees before the event.

Network with your fellow attendees and speakers during intermission and use the same to ask the speakers questions. Most importantly, have a great time!

We look forward to your presence at the Event. Follow us on Facebook for regular updates.


The TEDx experience is a unique one with the entire day designed with a thought behind the same. We are adding in some amazing useful tips and info for you to have the best experience at the event with your amazing co-attendees.


The badge is probably the largest you would have ever worn. It is a very important component that allows you access to the event. Please DO NOT lose the badge and display it where required and when requested to the volunteers. The badge has 3 conversation starters which most of you have sent us! They are a great way to engage with your co-attendees at the event. We hope you have chosen them well! It can be collected from the venue after proper ID verification.


Movement of the attendees when the talks begin is NOT ALLOWED. We will be filming and people moving around is a distraction except the media team which has their set pattern. We urge you to respect this as not to cause undue inconvenience to your co-attendees. Please BE SEATED while the talks are going on and you can plan to move ONLY if required after the talk is done. We want you all to immerse in the journey of the speaker for 18 minutes!


Don’t be shy to say Hi! You will make some amazing friends and explore exciting collaborations moving forward. You can always practice to let someone know what you do in 2 sentences! Helps to also connect through the conversation starters. We have designed breaks to encourage the same. Start one, Join in, Facilitate cool conversations all through the day! Make sure you sit with SOMEONE you DON’T know!


The correct nomenclature to be used is TEDxThiruvananthapuram in all posts on Social Media.

Hashtag: #tedxtvm Twitter @tedxtvm


The wait to get into the auditorium is also a great way to meet new attendees. The door closes as soon as the event begins. Please finish registering and plan to be on time!


Flash photography is NOT ALLOWED as it interferes with the recording. Kindly refrain from the same. Videography is NOT ALLOWED according to the rules and must not be posted online in any form.


Please switch off your mobile phone or place it in the silent mode. Please ensure that the lights on your screen are low. Please avoid disturbing your co-attendees by the use of the same.


Our amazing speakers are thrilled to be meeting you all soon. We wish you a great time meeting them on the 10th.


Apart from applauding the speaker once the talk is finished, stories that have moved your heart might get a standing ovation! Don’t hold yourself back!


Remember! It is SMART CASUAL.


This is a great way to save fuel and also protect our environment. Parking is provided at the venue and there will be adequate directions for the same.


Every attendee should be seated. Please DO NOT reserve your seats on your way out during the breaks! Our Team will be onsite to help you with the arrangement.


Team TEDxThiruvananthapuram will be available onsite at each major point to help you with information. You can find them with the RED Tag on their badges.


Never too many for you to get! As you will be meeting many people, actually helps to write a note behind the card to help you remember the conversation or the follow up point discussed. Helps to connect better post the event!


The doors will remain OPEN only during the breaks and closes once the session begins. Please comply with this rule and thanks for your understanding and co-operation. Once we are in for the session, the camera is rolling! Please be mindful of the schedule and we request you to assemble back in time. Once the door closes, we cannot open until a break.


It is quite an amazing experience to bring our community of thinkers, enablers and doers together. It is NOT just an event, it is the community that takes the Ideas from stage and brings them to Life. We have been discussing on various themes and will be engaging on them moving forward.


Follow us on our Facebook Page, Website, Twitter, Instagram & Email to receive regular updates and keep yourself posted!

All the best

Remember to have a good time!